NMS Archaeology Object 172020: X.HRB 50 - Limpet hammer



Stone limpet hammer from Ardnave, Islay

Accession Number

X.HRB 50

Other references

Publication Cat. No. 54
F Ack 1980/82

Original description

The finds from excavations at Ardnave, Islay carried out in 1979 - 80 under the direction of Dr J N G Ritchie and Mr H G Welfare. Coarse stone tools. Limpet hammers. Fine grain; ogival; elongated oval; 75.2 g; 95:30:22. Damage: narrow end blunted with small flakes removed on either face across its width, average flake 07:04; broader end had small area of pecking and isolated flakes, pecked area 14:05, average flake 10:09. Layer 13. Ritchie, J N G, and Welfare, H G; PSAS, 113 (1983), pp 302 - 366, fig 16.

Associated person/people (e.g. excavator/former collection)


Discovery / field collection

Date of discovery

Not recorded

Method (e.g. excavation)

Not recorded

Place (i.e. location of discovery)

Ardnave, Islay, Argyll, Scotland, Northern Europe


Acquisition date

Not recorded

Acquisition source (i.e. name of donor)

Not recorded

Acquisition source role (e.g. donor)




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