A subset of Monument records was selected for the Finds Hub, these being of record type "Monument", "Findspot" or "Battlefield", having some dating evidence early than Post-Medieval, or being of unknown date (which often indicates prehistoric or early medieval), and having a mapped representation. This resulted in 33,607 monument records being loaded to the Finds Hub. These monument records included 28,462 cross-references to Canmore Site identifiers (aka NUMLINK), and 1,994 cross-references to HES Scheduled Monuments.
A subset of "Event" records was selected: those with a mapped representation, a description, and at least one associated report. Records flagged as finding no archaeology were excluded. This resulted in 3,108 event records being loaded to the Finds Hub. Event records describe investigative activities, such as excavations and surveys, some of which resulted in the discovery of artefacts.