NMS Archaeology Object 171983: X.HRB 15.1 - Pottery / rim / wall / base / sherd



Pottery sherd, rim, base and wall, from Ardnave, Islay, Argyll

Accession Number

X.HRB 15.1

Other references

Publication Cat. No. 18a
HRB 15 A; F Ack 1980/82

Original description

The finds from excavations at Ardnave, Islay carried out in 1979 - 80 under the direction of Dr J N G Ritchie and Mr H G Welfare. Pottery. Rim and wall sherds comprising about one-fifth of a large pot, with everted externally bevelled rim concave inside, a slightly inturned neck above a rounded shoulder. Decoration by deep, crisp, but irregular shell-edge impressions; on the inner face of the rim a slanting row (the direction of the slant varying), nicks across the rim edge, herringbone from the rim bevel to the shoulder, probably disorganized chevrons on the lower body. Rather friable fabric with large grits, black-buff burnished slip outside. Layers 9 - 13. Ritchie, J N G, and Welfare, H G; PSAS, 113 (1983), pp 302 - 366, figs 8 - 10.

Associated person/people (e.g. excavator/former collection)


Discovery / field collection

Date of discovery

Not recorded

Method (e.g. excavation)

Not recorded

Place (i.e. location of discovery)

Ardnave, Islay, Argyll, Scotland, Northern Europe


Acquisition date

Not recorded

Acquisition source (i.e. name of donor)

Not recorded

Acquisition source role (e.g. donor)




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