NMS Archaeology Object 714046: X.2014.213 - Souterrain model



Model of souterrain, at Pitcur, Kettins, Angus

Accession Number


Other references

Classification number
Former accession number
X.HD 2276

Original description

X.2014.213 = X.HD 2276 Model of souterrain at Pitcur, Kettins, Angus and framed description, plan and photographs. A footnote states the model was made in the Royal Scottish Museum workshop to scale 1:14. Dimensions 6.00" H x 32.00" L x 19.00" W. Trevor Cowie notes 27 August 2014: model of part of the souterrain complex (see RCAHMS NO23NE 1.01; NGR NO 2529 3738) discovered in 1878 and extensively excavated in the 19th century. The site is still exposed to view, although it is now overgrown and dilapidated. The complex comprises three interconnecting passages: (1) a broad W passage which, with its two entrances and terminal bulge, could stand as a souterrain in its own right; (2) a central passage, also with two entrances, and (3) an E passage, also with two entrances. The original passage walls measure up to 2m in height, are all corbelled, and considerable stretches of roofing slabs remain in situ, particularly over the E passage. Two of the entrances have rebated jambs, and there are two aumbries in the E passage and another in the W passage. Two of the footing-stones of the souterrain are cup- marked, as are two probably-displaced lintel stones. A fifth stone bears enigmatic graffiti of unknown date. Most of the finds from the excavations, which included Roman coins, a bronze pin, querns, flints and beads, have been lost, but fragments of a Form 37 Samian bowl are preserved in Brechin Library (under accession number ADM B 1977.295a) [see also NMS: X.HD 1-4]. References Barclay, GJ 'Newmill and the 'souterrains of southern Pictland', Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 110 (1980); MacRitchie, D 'Description of an earth-house at Pitcur, Forfarshire', Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 34 (), 202-14; RCAHMS South-east Perth: an archaeological landscape, 1994, 36, 63-64, 152, 160; Wainwright FT The souterrains of southern Pictland, 1963, 202-4. Previously accessioned as A.1911.202: recatalogued during Leith Cruiser Store decant, August 2014

Associated person/people (e.g. excavator/former collection)


Discovery / field collection

Date of discovery

Not recorded

Method (e.g. excavation)

Not recorded

Place (i.e. location of discovery)

Pitcur, Angus, Scotland, Northern Europe

Grid reference

Not recorded


Acquisition date

Not recorded

Acquisition source (i.e. name of donor)

Not recorded

Acquisition source role (e.g. donor)

Not recorded



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