NMS Archaeology Object 131692: X.EQ 242 - Knife blade Stud Pin Boar tusk Human tooth



Bronze knife blade, with bone stud, bone pin, boar's tusk and seven human teeth, from a cist at Letham, Perth

Accession Number

X.EQ 242

Other references

Not recorded1897 p. 95

Original description

COLLECTIONS FROM SEPULCHRAL DEPOSITS: Bronze Knife Blade from a cist at Letham, Perth, also, stud of bone, bone pin, boar's tusk, & 7 human teeth. Anon notes, Bone stud not found 1966: Bone pin found separately, not from cist. J.A.S. notes, 10.12.87, Rivet from dagger mounted on display separately. [name redacted] notes, 7 June 2013: blade is catalogued by Gerloff 1975 as flat, riveted knife-dagger; damaged heel with traces of three rivet-holes; one loose rivet; straight hilt-mark; present L. 7,9cm, present W. 3,5cm. RCAHMS no NO02SE 16; NGR NO 0842 2384. In summary, a stone cist 5' x 2'7" was discovered on February 4 1897 at Letham (or Latham) Quarry (also known as Newhouse Quarry). Inside the grave was a fragmentary inhumation accompanied by a bronze knife-dagger.The upper stone of the cist had on its lower surface eleven cup marks. In 1916, it was said that the cist had been re-erected on the surface of the ground, a few yards back from its original position (Coates 1919) but the site of the quarry was subsequently filled in and landscaped and no trace of the cist appears to survive

Associated person/people (e.g. excavator/former collection)


Discovery / field collection

Date of discovery

Not recorded

Method (e.g. excavation)

Not recorded

Place (i.e. location of discovery)

Letham Quarry, Perthshire, Scotland, Northern Europe

Grid reference

Not recorded


Acquisition date


Acquisition source (i.e. name of donor)

Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer

Acquisition source role (e.g. donor)



Image of Bronze knife blade, with bone stud, bone pin, boar
Image of Bronze knife blade, with bone stud, bone pin, boar's tusk and seven human teeth, from a cist at Letham, Perth © National Museums Scotland

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