Aberdeen Uni Museum Object ABDUA:30482: Painting of Sir Ashley W. Mackintosh (1868-1937) (North-East, Aberdeen)


Object Name 2Picture
Object Name 3Portrait
Object Name 4Not recorded
Object Name 5Not recorded
Object Name 6Not recorded
DimensionsH: 1238 mm W: 980 mm Th: 85 mm | H: 1008 mm W: 750 mm
MaterialsOil on canvas
MakerSouter, J B
Object Production Date1931-1931
Field CollectorNot recorded
Field Collection DateNot recorded
Field Collection PeriodNot recorded
Object HistoryNot recorded
Place KeyEurope, Scotland, North-East, Aberdeen
Place Key 2Not recorded
CoordinatesNot recorded
Associated PlaceNot recorded
Associated Type PlaceNot recorded
Acquisition MethodNot recorded
Acquisition SourceNot recorded
Acquisition DateNot recorded
Acquisition PeriodNot recorded
Acquisition NoteNot recorded


3/4 portrait of Sir Ashley W. Mackintosh, Chair of Medicine in the University of Aberdeen, seated, facing left, wearing black pin stripe trousers, black waistcoat and jacket, with a black spotted tie, butterfly collar, crimson academic MD hood and gown. He is holding a pince-nez in his right hand, and gold watch chain. He has a moustach and grey receding hair. Mottled purple/brown background. Picture is glazed.

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