Aberdeen Uni Museum Object ABDUA:103718: Pottery Fragments (A96 Inveramsay Bridge, Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire, North east Scotland)


Object Name 2Pottery
Object Name 3Sherds
Object Name 4Not recorded
Object Name 5Not recorded
Object Name 6Not recorded
DimensionsL: 64 x W: 40 x D: 10mm, Total weight: 26g.
MakerNot recorded
Object Production DateNot recorded
Field CollectorHeadland Archaeology Ltd
Field Collection DateNot recorded
Field Collection Period11/02/2015 - 8/04/2015
Object HistoryNot recorded
Place KeyA96 Inveramsay Bridge, Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire, North east Scotland
Place Key 2Not recorded
Coordinates373500, 825600
Associated PlaceNot recorded
Associated Type PlaceNot recorded
Acquisition MethodNot recorded
Acquisition SourceQ & LTR
Acquisition Date04/02/2019
Acquisition PeriodNot recorded
Acquisition NoteNot recorded


Location Context No: 002, Trench: 001 , Site Find No: N/A. One fragment of a Beaker, including medium neck sherd, all over decorated with horizontal twisted cord, 5 lines visible. At points the cord has not left an impression. Chalcolithic-Early Bronze Age.

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